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Best Apps & games on playstore 2017 | Announced by Google

Best Apps & games on playstore 2017: 2017 is about to end. We have entered the final straight and we can say that in 31 days 2018 will start, with new smartphones, applications and thousands of new features. Today Google has left us with a selection of applications and games for Android, according to the company these are the best games and apps of the year. That’s not why they had to be launched in 2017, but the most played, used and loved by the community. We will not see WhatsApp in this list, but we will see games like Clash Royale or Pokémon Go. Without further delay, Let’s know the best applications and games on Google Play 2017.

In this list, we didn’t add anything from our end since all applications and games have been selected by Google. We agree in some cases, but others seem simple marketing. We have the clear example of Animal Crossing, a game that takes just 2 weeks on Google Play and is already listed as the best in the Social section.

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Best Apps & games on Playstore 2017 [Apps Section]

In the section on best applications, we find 7 categories that classify applications by their uses and better skills. We can see applications of all kinds, where there are some that should not be and others that are very good that are left out of the list.

Most entertaining apps of 2017

Best social apps of 2017

Best applications for the day to day of 2017

Most innovative applications of 2017

Best discoveries of 2017

Best apps for kids 2017

Most popular apps of 2017

Best Apps & games on Playstore 2017 [Games Section]

How could it be otherwise, we also have a long selection of games in the best of 2017. We can also see 7 categories where we find dozens of games very entertaining. Most of them are free, so it will not cost you anything to test them thoroughly and choose your favorites. 

Most competitive games of 2017

Most social games of 2017

Best indie games of 2017

Most innovative games of 2017

Most adorable and casual games of 2017

Best games for children of 2017

Most popular games of 2017

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Source | Google Play 

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