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How to add OTP login feature in any wordpress site for free(2019)

WordPress is the most popular content management system out there. WordPress is famous because it’s free, easy, customizable and safe. WordPress gives us all we need for our blog or other sites like e-commerce sites with wo-commerce.  we can also extend WordPress features just by using free and paid plugins.

WordPress is safe and secure but it’s always better to add extra security to our WordPress blog/site. As we know the internet is full of amazing things and we also know that cybercrime is the dark part of it, we always want to make sure that our site is secure from hackers. We can add an extra layer of security in our WordPress blog just by adding 2 step verification for our WordPress site.

Two-step verification for a WordPress site

The WordPress admin login page is the main gate to enter our site’s Admin panel and Admin has all the permission to modify the site. Just think if someone guessed your WordPress login password or brute forced it then he can easily modify or delete anything from your site. To secure your website from such type of attacks you can add OTP login feature in WordPress site. 

Today we will learn How to add OTP login feature in any WordPress. This guide will help you to add 2 step verification like Google in the WordPress site. You will need to enter 6 digit passcode to log in to WordPress admin panel. So if someone will have your WordPress blog’s username and password he still won’t be able to log in because the OTP will be sent to your phone/app and to log in the OTP will be required.

Step by step guide to add OTP login in WordPress

Step 1: Download The Plugin

To get the OTP verification feature in your Wordpress site you need to download/install a free WordPress plugin. Just click the link below to download the Google Authenticator – WordPress Two Factor Authentication (2FA) plugin or search this name of your admin panel’s plugin section.

Step 2: Choose the OTP login method

Now go to the plugin section that you can find in the sidebar. In the plugin section, there are multiple methods are available for two-factor verification for WordPress. You can choose any method you want but we are going to use the first one which is the Google authenticator method. This method is easy and takes a few minutes to set up. Just click on the Configure option available below Google authenticator option.

Step 3: Register for 2-factor authentication

In order to enable OTP login for your site, you need to register using your email. Just enter your email and choose a password then it’ll create an account for you. Make sure you are using a valid Gmail email id.

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Step 4: Download Google Authenticator app from the play store

To get the OTP you will need Google Authenticator app that you can download for free. In the app login with the same Gmail account, you have used to register in STEP 3. Now you can scan the QR code using the app and it’ll give you a 6 digit code. Enter the 6 digit code in the text box that you can see on the right side of your screen in the WordPress dashboard.

Developer: Google LLC
Price: Free


Step 5: Check The OTP feature in incognito mode

After following the above steps you have set up the OTP login feature for WordPress. Now open the admin login page of your site in a new private window or in another browser. Once you enter the username and password in next screen you will see a popup to enter OTP. you can get this OTP in the Google Authenticator app we have just installed. Just enter the OTP and you’ll be able to see the dashboard.

If you don’t want OTP option on the next page you can add OTP option in the admin login page. Just check this Enable 2FA promote on the WP login page checkbox. After that, you will see an extra option where you have to enter the OTP from the app.

So after doing all this, your website is now secured from malicious logins. You have successfully added OTP login in WordPress Blog.

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