Android Apps to Quit Smoking: We are in 2018 and tobacco continues to flood our lives. Tabacco, directly and indirectly, killing people and Smoking is one of the worst addictive things. Some people want to quit smoking but they can’t because they got addicted and now it’s hard to control.

smoking kill app

Luckily, with each new beginning of the year, the number of smokers reduced significantly, although there is still a good number of people who smoke. That’s why today we bring you a collection of the best Android applications to stop smoking.

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All the applications listed below are completely free in the Play store.

These are the best applications to quit smoking in 2018

There is no way that can make you stop smoking in just one day or one week It’s you who can do this, The only thing these applications will do is they will motivate you, show to positiveness, and relate you with some other people who used to smoke before and quit it. They will help you and motivate you.

QuitNow! Quit smoking

how to quit smoking android apps

Undoubtedly, the best application to stop smoking of the entire Play Store. In addition to showing the money saved per pack of non-consumed tobacco, it has a large amount of information related to the health improvement. It also has a community within the application itself using that we can interact with people like us and motivate each other share thoughts etc.

Unknown app
Unknown app
Developer: Fewlaps
Price: Free

SmokeFree – quit smoking slowly

quit smoking app

SmokeFree is one of the best applications to quit smoking. Its operation is based on a kind of chronometer that measures the times in which we can smoke a cigarette based on the number of cigarettes we smoke daily. The objective of it is very clear: stop smoking progressively without forcing yourself.

Unknown app
Unknown app
Developer: MotiveBite Studio
Price: Free



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