How to update drivers in Windows 10,8,7: Drivers are the most important part of Windows Operating system. Everything which is working perfectly in windows OS needs a driver. for example, even your smartphone need a driver to connect to windows OS via USB.
Graphics driver, Audio driver, chipset, controller driver, are the must have drivers for windows. Without drivers, your PC won’t work properly and you can’t be able to use many features. Like without an Audio driver you can’t hear audio even you have a speaker attached to your computer.
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How to update drivers in Windows 10
when we install windows we have to install drivers and after a short time, we need to update drivers to get proper performance. It’s not easy to get all the drivers which are compatible with your PC. you need to do a lot of hard work to search them on the internet. and there is no guarantee that you’ll get the right one. and remember wrong drivers can crash your windows OS. So always be sure before installing any driver on your Windows PC.
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Don’t worry if you are not sure where you’ll find the right drivers. Because today I am going to talk about an automated tool which will find the compatible drivers for your Windows OS, no matter you want to update drivers in Windows 10 or in windows8 or windows 7. This tool will automatically detect all needed driver and install them. And if any driver needs an update it’ll automatically update it.
How to automatically Install/ update drivers in windows 10
To install or update drivers in Windows 10 or any windows OS you’ll need a tool called IOBIT Driver Booster. There so so many tools available but I found this one is best. using this tool you can update any driver like you can “update graphics drivers in windows 10” or in any windows. So now your wait is over if you are looking for How to update drivers in Windows 10. To update drivers in windows 10/8/7 follow these steps.
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- First of all download Iobit Driver Booster from here.
- Install the tool.
- You’ll see a big SCAN button, Click on that.

4. The tool will scan all the necessary drivers for your PC.

5. When the scan will finish it’ll show you the list of installed drvers and not installed drivers and Drivers which needs an update.

6. you can manually choose drivers which you want to install or update or you can click on the big Update button to update them all.
7. After the Installation/update restart your PC and now you have up to date drivers on your PC.
8. check for driver updates every month for Better performance.