We know that the internet is full of amazing things and information. When we visit any site for that information we also see some ads on the sites. Some sites are good and they care about the user experience so they don’t put ads everywhere on the site and you will never see pop up ads onΒ those sites.

Ad blocker or android

Some sites have ads everywhere and they open a popup ad on every click on the site, this is very annoying but we need that site that time so we just try to ignore that ad and finally we reach the link we want.

Ad blocking apps for Android in 2019

We can easily block those annoying popup ads in computer and also in the mobile devices. In this article, we are going to talk about some great apps that you can download and Block ads on Android.

Download Best Ad Blocker for Android

Here’s the list of best Ad blocking apps for Android.

1. AdAway

ad blocker androidThis is the well-known application for ad blocking, thanks to its simplicity and easy UI. The ad blocker for Android is famousΒ because it doesΒ its work as we want.

The app requires Root Permission (Rooted device)Β to block ads completely because it edits the host file which is a system file for Android.

The best thing about this app is that it is totally free. You can’t find this app on the PlayStore because it blocks Google Ads too and googleΒ doesn’t like that.


2. AdGuard

adblocker for AndroidAdGuard is a great Adblocker that works without RootΒ in an Android device. The app also has it’s Windows and Mac version so if you want protection for all of your devices you can also get the premium version.


3. Blokdada

Android ad blocker apps 2019

BlokadaΒ is another great Free Android app for blocking Ads. The app is available on f-droid and 100% safe. This app claims that it consumes less battery thanΒ other ad blockers for Android.

Blokada blocks ads in almost all android apps those comes with ads so it’s not just limited to the Browser.



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