Must have apps after Rooting your Device: There are lots of tweaks and optimizations that you can do after Rooting your Android Device. After Rooting your device you can open gates for many possibilities and use 100% power of your device.

Best Apps for Rooted Device

You can install lots of apps without Root but after rooting your Device you can use some apps that are really helpful and can do lots of amazing stuff. These apps Required root permission to do amazing things so if you want to do some cool stuff with your device and on your Device then go and root it.

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Must have apps after Rooting your Device 2018

There are many apps you can use after rooting your device but here I am listing some of them that are Must have apps for a Rooted phone.


App2SD Pro: All in One Tool [R
App2SD Pro: All in One Tool [R

App to SD is a must-have app for a rooted Device. As we know Android has some limitations and for security reasons, it doesn’t allow us to install Apps in SD card. But if your Phone storage is low and you want to move Apps to SD card then you can Do this using this app. After rooting you can install it and you can move install Apps and Games to SD card.

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AdAway [Block Ads in Android]

Who like Ads? Do you? Obviously not but you have to see many Ads while browsing Web. Pop up ads are very irritating and without root, you can’t Block them. After rooting your device you can use Adaway to block Ads in your Android.

System app remover

System app remover
System app remover
Developer: Jumobile
Price: Free

A new Android phone comes with many pre-installed apps and most of them are useless. We can’t uninstall these apps because these apps are added by the manufacturer and they need special permissions to be uninstalled. System app remover can uninstall system apps and you can remove all of bloatware and adware.

Titanium Backup

Titanium Backup (root needed)
Titanium Backup (root needed)

Titanium Backup is a must-have app for a rooted device because using this app you can BAckup all of your Apps and App data. Benefits using this app is you don’t have to install all the apps when you install any custom ROM or reset your Device. Titanium backup will restore all the app and its data. So you don’t need to start everything from scratch. You can also Backup Contacts, SMS, WIFI passwords etc.


Developer: Oasis Feng
Price: Free

Battery life is the biggest problem in an Android Phone. There is a reason you can have better Battery backup in Rooted phone because you can control the system behaviour and kill background processes. Greenigy is an app that can hibernate useless background Apps and saves your Battery. It is and Must have app for rooted phone.

Bonus:Best Apps for rooted phone

I know the apps I have mentioned above are not so many and this list is not even 1% of the apps you can use and do amazing stuff with a rooted android phone.

Here is one other must-have an app that every rooted phone must have. It’s not an app actually its a framework and you can use many mods and tweaks using this Framework. Xposed framework is quite popular and almost every person who has rooted his/her device know about it so if you don’t know about it you must use it and you’ll have unlimited possibilities to tweak your Android Phone.  Xposed XDA

Note: Follow a proper guide to install Xposed on your Device otherwise you’ll Face BootLoop.


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